Hello, I'm Bonny Tydeman and I support creative freelancers, facilitators and changemakers to live and lead in a way that honours their deepest truth and highest potential.

I do this by holding point for the luminous, creative spark inside you - the part of you that is untamed, unbound and unencumbered by fear…
I am a fierce, tender, open mirror to your beauty, and your bullshit, and I hold unwavering reverence for the ever-revealing mystery at the core of your being.
Ultimately, I am here to beckon you into closer encounter with yourself, so you can make choices in alignment with your inner authority and lead with integrity, courage, compassion and joy.

“Bonny is an incredibly smart and intuitive coach with a multilayered approach, dancing between the worlds of classic psychology, mythic poetic symbology, and somatic experience with expert flair that results in a coaching that feels both grounded and mystical.”
Gaia Harvey Jackson

''The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away.''
David Viscot
BREAK FREE of the conditioning that keeps you trapped in a life that does not satisfy you
EMBRACE yourself as a powerful, beautiful, multidimensional being with utterly unique gifts
CONNECT with the wounding and defence mechanisms that obstruct your ability to express yourself freely in the world
UNCOVER the patterns of self-sabotage that block you from living your highest potential
CULTIVATE the ability to approach your life with a sense of humour, playfulness and intrigue
LIVE a life full of joy and meaning that you feel grateful for everyday

Perhaps you feel trapped in a job that makes you feel flat and heavy? You know you have SO MUCH MORE to offer, but you’re feeling disconnected and unsure of your next move…
Or you’re doing work you love, but you feel like something is missing and you aren’t sure what?
Maybe you're clear on what you want to do, but are lacking the self-trust required to really go for it? I’ve been there…
I’ve thrown myself into creative work that felt exciting and then found that it didn’t fulfil my desire for meaning and purpose. I’ve settled for ‘good’ jobs that didn’t enable my creative expression and felt trapped. And I’ve found the thing I really want to do and held myself back from fully embracing it because I was scared of standing naked in my gifts...
I didn’t mind being visible in creative pursuits that were more about style than substance. And I felt safe creating substance and adding depth to projects that aren’t my own…
But showing up in my full truth, declaring what’s meaningful to me and exposing the wounding and failures that have connected me to what’s deep and abiding in my life... that’s been edgy. And it continues to be.
Because the work of discovering who we are and the ways in which we’ve been suppressing our full expression is endless. We are all complex, multidimensional beings that have been flattened and imprisoned by narratives that we should be this or that. When the truth is, we’re SO MUCH MORE than any label or any role - each one of us is a completely unique expression of life, full of creative potential and intuitive wisdom.
Zoe Wellman

“Meaning is an expectation of the human soul, and the real work of the soul is to help awaken life to it's meaning. Each person is a mystery until they become revealed.''
Micheal Meade
I hid for so long because I was afraid that people wouldn’t understand me, or worse that they’d reject me... Until I realised that by hiding I was rejecting myself - and living in a way that did not honour my deepest truth, my highest potential and the fullness of my unique expression.
I had to face up to my own self-betrayal and the fact that I’d been suppressing some of the most tender and beautiful parts of my being in the name of ticking boxes, fitting in or looking cool…
Deep down, I knew I didn’t care about those things, but they felt much safer than just being me. Being me, without the safety net of a job, the armour of busyness or the disguise of nonchalant coolness... Just me, heart on my sleeve, longing for meaningful connection.
It’s an intimate thing to share your heartfelt truth. (Much safer to hide behind sarcasm and cool detachment.) But how can your desire for meaning be met if you’re not willing to reveal what lies in your depths?
When I started to express rather than hide the SO MUCH MORE I knew I had inside, whole worlds opened up for me. I found myself surrounded by people that really get me, doing work that really energises me and flowing easefully towards new, exciting possibilities.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievment.''
Doubt and confusion
Feeling stuck and frustrated
Feeling unseen & unappreciated
Cycles of motivation & collapse
Dissatisfaction with life
Wondering about your next move
Clarity and direction
Flowing easefully with life
Being recognised for your unique gifts
Steady commitment to creating the life you want
Celebration & appreciation of life
Boldly going after your heart's desire
“I've been coached by many people over the last twenty years and Bonny really stood out as a clear, warm and heartfelt guide to discovering my own truth. She has an amazing ability to hear the deeper current behind what is being said and a range of techniques for bringing a sense of clarity and purpose to what initially felt like a random jumble of sporadic impulses.”
Amir Giles
6 x 1:1 DEEP DIVES with me where we will talk, meditate, visualise and tune into the body to unlock the intuitive wisdom and release the energetic blockages you are carrying
SESSION NOTES to help you reflect on your process, what came up in each session and the themes and direction of your work as we progress
HOMEWORK EXERCISES to deepen your reflections and expand your exploration outside of our calls so you can make the most of our three month journey together
READING SUGGESTIONS to help further your understanding of the topics that emerge and enable you to find more language for the difficulties you have been experiencing
A PERSONALISED TOOLKIT of practises for deep enquiry, emotional release and intention setting so you can take this work forward in your life