My journey so far as a soul-centred coach has been about integrating my thirst for deep psycho-spiritual enquiry with my passion for creative expression.
I’ve always asked big questions about the nature of humanity - Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? And been fascinated by the way we create things in answer to these questions - from religious texts and temples, to scientific certainties, cities and magazines, to fashions and fairgrounds; novels and nightclubs...
Art was my first love and continues to be a major driving force in my life. I studied History of Art at Goldsmiths where the emphasis was on the philosophy of Art and what it really means to be creative. - ie. somebody who thinks for themselves / ‘outside the box’ (the box being inherited ideology of the mainstream culture).
...and that is why artistic practice can be a great tool for connecting us to that part of our being that is untouched by cultural conditioning... what some might call the soul. My life is an ongoing enquiry into this this tender, wild, luminescent place inside each of us.
After many years of reading and writing about Art, I had a strong desire to create. I didn’t want to sit back and ponder other people’s creativity, I wanted to develop my own, and understand myself in the process…
I taught myself to sew and started making costumes for festivals, this led to the creation of an immersive fancy dress photo booth (Spanglebooth) and then the development of a festival fashion label (Spanglewear). One thing led to another and I ended up doing costume design and art direction for theatrical events, which grew from small supper clubs to big immersive shows, and then evolved into my work as an event producer and cultural curator.
Throughout my twenties, I felt like I was leading a double life. There was the part of me that was deeply immersed in meditation and psycho-spiritual psychology, and the part of me that was going to festivals and creating elaborate spectacles. I longed to marry the depth of my self-enquiry with the exuberance of my creative exploration.
My training in psychosynthesis helped me to integrate these things within myself and as I started my practise and intuitively named my company Soul Beam, I began to realise that soul work is the place where creativity and spirituality meet…
For soul work asks us to connect with our sacred individuality, as unique expressions of life force. And this is an inherently creative endeavour that requires authentic expression every step of the way.
If you’re reading this and you don’t feel like your life is an expression of your gifts, get in touch... It’s time to move away from anything that leads you to numb your sensitivity, flatten your natural expression or compromise your dreams…
EMCC Accredited Senior Practitioner
Professionally supervised, with hundreds of hours of 1-1 experience
MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership & Organisational Coaching (thesis on Soulful Leadership)
MA in Applied Imagination (project on relationship between play & personal transformation)
BA in History of Art & Visual Cultures (dissertation on freestyle & flow states)
15 Years practise of Vedic meditation & study of Vedic philosophy

Bonny reminded me of the necessity to let my desire be my north star. I now have a renewed sense of vitality, curiosity, and creativity. I was so ground down from day-to-day monotony, that I lost sight of the spice of life… Our sessions brought about a shift in my perception that I can only describe as volcanic. The thick, protective layer of muck I had unconsciously constructed to stifle my own desires began to crack and anger, lust, playfulness, creativity and passion erupted from deep within me… I'm now on the other side with a new light inside me and a clear vision towards the future.”


The complex challenges of our time call each of us forward - we need everybody's unique creative genius at play to co-create the more beautiful worlds our hearts know is possible...
I am here to celebrate life and to beckon others into a deeper encounter with themselves and the mysteries of existence.
My mission is to help you live and lead with integrity, courage, compassion and joy; aligned to a deep sense of purpose and open wide to play, pleasure and possibility.
I do this by holding point for the luminous creative spark inside you - the part of you that is untamed, unbound and unencumbered by fear. I am a fierce, tender, open mirror to your beauty and your bullshit and I hold unwavering reverence for the ever-revealing mystery at the core of your being.
CLARITY ON YOUR UNIQUE ESSENCE and the gifts you have to bring to the world is the the cornerstone in the cultivation of a joyful, meaningful life.
CREATIVITY, PLAYFULNESS & HUMOUR help to untangle us from the rigid and controlling parts of ourselves that keep us stuck in patterns of defence.
DISARMING YOURSELF IS DELICATE WORK that will require you to get intimate with your emotions.
GIVING VOICE & FORM to your emotional depths and mental tensions is what will enable you to work through your shadows and blocks.
EXPRESSION IS A POWERFUL TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOL, which is why creativity is such a strong ally in our evolution.

Since working with Bonny I've been able to connect more deeply with myself and tap into my intuition... To question my motivations and understand what is driving my actions and if they are truly in alignment with my higher self. I feel more strongly connected to my power centre, with more tools with which to create from. I have reassessed what is important to me, and given myself permission to relax and go with the flow more; to trust in the process of myself evolving...

Move slow and nurture things.
Remain present to and curious about your impact.
Be clear on your intentions, and be intent to serve.
Listen again.
Listen deeper.
Follow the energy - move with the cycles; the feeling; the inspiration.
Be prepared to switch course.
Speak up if it doesn’t feel right.
Respect your instincts and intuitions.
Discover and share your truth.
Discover and share your gifts.
Give yourself generously.
Stop to notice beauty.
Feel your embodied presence.
Find pleasure in your embodied presence.
Follow the pleasure of your embodied presence.
Make music with your movements
Make poetry with your actions.
Make Art with your life.
Celebrate your life.
Celebrate all life.
Give thanks for that which you love
Tend to that which you love.
Be in service to that which you love.
Be in service to that which you love.
Be in service to that which you love.

The work we have done together has been life changing. Bonny’s playful and enlightening techniques of dealing with the different layers of my personality meant that even the dark, ugly traits became more approachable and I was able to understand and honour them. I now feel as though now I can deal with life and the many curve balls that it likes to throws with a calm, clear grounded sensibility.