In my coaching work with individuals and groups, I focus on connection to and expression of soul essence, drawing on a range of wisdom and techniques to help people answer the questions, ‘Who am I? Why am I here? & Where am I going?’ in a way that is dynamic and creative.
My primary training is in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching
PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is an integrative, holistic and depth psychology that offers frameworks for working with the whole human being, including their spiritual and soulful dimensions.
LEADERSHIP COACHING is about expanding your capacity to lead your life consciously. That means taking full responsibility for your actions and the impact you are having on the world, whether or not you hold any formal leadership position.
PSYCHOSYNTHESIS LEADERSHIP COACHING is leadership coaching with a psycho-spiritual context. That means it's about helping you to lead your life from a place that is connected to your spiritual essence or soul.
This differs significantly from the type of leadership coaching that is geared towards satisfying the ego’s demands for status and recognition. Instead, coaching with me is about responding to what I call the four fundamental appetites of the soul - Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love. These are the key ingredients in the cultivation of joy and meaning and are therefore the source of true prosperity.
So how do we go about cultivating them? By developing our capacity for Self Awareness, Self Acceptance, Self Love and Self Expression - the four ‘movements’ needed to create lasting change...
SELF AWARENESS is the cornerstone. It is usually where we begin, and it lays the foundation for the work. However awareness itself is not enough to create change - we can see our patterns and still collude in them - in fact, this is bound to happen unless we change the underlying emotional reality that creates them...
SELF ACCEPTANCE is crucial in acknowledging our wounding and defence and moving past it. It’s about making peace with the fact that we are wounded and imperfect and being willing to let our suffering in. Acceptance is about becoming receptive to our own pain. Being willing to feel where it hurts.
SELF LOVE is a step further. It’s about tending to our wounds, opening our hearts to ourselves and treating ourselves with compassion. So long as we participate in cycles of judgement and condemnation, we remain stuck in patterns of sabotage and avoidance. Self Love helps to soothe this tension and release us from these internal binds.
SELF EXPRESSION is what really gets things moving... When we give voice or movement to unexpressed thoughts, feelings or sensations, they stop unconsciously blocking us.

Real change must be felt at all levels of being. That is why I employ a range of techniques, including meditation, visualisation, somatic enquiry, ritual and creative expression, alongside dialogue


I work with people in three month cycles. We connect every other week, and I suggest reading and exercises for you to do between sessions.
Whatever your goal is, our time together will be a unique journey of transformation toward your desired outcome. Here’s some of the stuff we might cover:
Your payment includes:
Introductory exercises
6 x 60min coaching sessions
Follow up notes, ‘homework’ suggestions and reading recommendations
Closing ceremony (optional)

Soul Connection Session
A sacred treasure hunt for your wild, precious core. This process is designed to help you connect to, appreciate and celebrate your unique essence and way of being in the world.
I will send you some prep exercises to begin the enquiry, then we’ll have a 90min zoom session in which we'll talk, meditate, visualise and reflect. You’ll end the process with greater clarity on your unique essence and the gifts you have to bring to the world
This is for you if you’re seeking clarity on your values, mission and purpose in life.

I run workshops and courses online and in person. These are a great way to get a feel for my style and the concepts and techniques I work with...
My signature group programme Soul Play is part course / part coaching journey / part artist’s residency. Through a mixture of meditation, visualisation, reflection, sharing, group discussion and creative practise, I invite you to participate in a multidimensional process of self enquiry.
Soul Play will soon be available as an online
self-study programme! Join my mailing list to receive updates and offers...

I run Elemental Echoes in collaboration with my dear friend & renowned trauma specialist, Joel Bennett. Our retreats combine expertise in trauma informed techniques with psycho-spiritual knowledge and creative and shamanic practices.
Click below for more info, or join my mailing list to stay informed on future offers.